by Louise C on 2005 May 21 - 19:53 | reply to this comment
Doing what feels right
I have been following the discussion on this topic. I find the relationship model a little restrictive to me, but I do find the whole thing quite fascinating. People in Taken In Hand relationships are choosing how they relate together, in this instance the choices that Mike and Mike's girl are making are just more clearly defined. If I had read the book I never would have thought this could work. I would have thought it would be completely unworkable in fact. Mike and Mike's girl seem very happy with the way their relationship is going.

I must admit that I know a lot of women who feel frustrated and taken for granted in their lives. They work all day and come home and do the bulk of the housework too. They cook, clean and take care of their children on top of working all day. Their men seem to have much more time for leisure activities. I am not sure that this is the solution to those issues, but it is a solution that this one couple has adopted to change that attitude and it seems to work for them. I do not get the sense that they are doing it because it said so in a book. It just seems that they found a book that solved a problem that they were having in their relationship.

I am surprised that I find myself agreeing with some of what is being said. When my husband starting taking me in hand some of what you have described started happening for us in some ways naturally. As my husband was able to exert his authority and take responsibility for our marriage, instead of being a rather minor player, my respect for him grew. In turn he feels that he needs to take care of my needs. We were out all day one day a few weeks back and I was starting to get hungry and asked if we could stop for lunch. My husband said not to worry that he had a place planned and that he was taking care of me. It was the first time he said that, but it felt good. It is not that I need someone to look after me, but it still feels good to me when he does. In turn he can have sex when ever he wants.

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