Now, tht&9#3a;s a really nice photo of you and yet you're not impressed with it. I have that in common with ye, I detest getting my photo taken because no matter what I do, I always seem to have my ugly face on - big nose, yukky teeth - ugh!Great to hear that You is still getting talked about, puns et al :)

Now, tht&9#3a;s a really nice photo of you and yet you're not impressed with it. I have that in common with ye, I detest getting my photo taken because no matter what I do, I always seem to have my ugly face on - big nose, yukky teeth - ugh!Great to hear that You is still getting talked about, puns et al :)

Debbie                                            Hi William, do you mean on photographs on another page, or yours?  If someone else’s page, then they have probably set their permissions so that no-one can comment (can’t quite see the point though) especially if thye1#82&7;re trying to attract controversy!

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