Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create

by cj on 2005 Jul 3 - 15:04 | reply to this comment
I agree 100% with everything posted in "checked". If a man shoves or slaps me, I consider that abuse. If my husband shoved or slapped me, I would not leave him the first time it happened, but I would make it very clear that I did not like being treated that way and found it insulting. I would also be very inclined to slap him right back. I don't see anything tender, loving and caring about being slapped and shoved. I think being "Taken in Hand" has a tender philsophy behind it where men must treat women with utmost respect, kindness, and protection. I could NEVER NEVER NEVER respect a man that slapped and shoved me. Never. Women are precious jewels. You are a precious jewel, so don't let a man treat you as though you were a mere stone to be kicked about. The writer of Checked said she is 50 years old, listen to a woman with years of experience. I am approaching 40 myself and have traveled quite a bit internationally in my life so I have some knowledge and experience as well. Shoving and slapping are not the same as being tenderly "taken in hand". Please think about this.

I'm a feminist and I agree with you, DeeMarie. It's got to where I don't know whether to call myself "feminist" or not, because I object to gender feminists' rabid men bashing. It's important to recognize that the most vocal feminists are not the only ones there are. I believe there are a number of women and men proud to call themselves feminists on Taken In Hand and it's possible to be both taken in hand and a feminist. It's possible to be a feminist and yet criticize gender feminism. Don't tar us all with the same brush, as my mom used to say.

by a Taken In Hand reader on 2004 Nov 27 - 08:52 | reply to this comment
My take on feminism
There is, even in the "developed" world, a place for a lobbying movement for equality. And before I go any further, let me explain just what I mean by equality.

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